Spring Tide Project

About our Project

The Spring Tide Project is a virtual community for youth who care about the earth and climate change.  Participants in this project can share the impacts of the climate crisis on their lives, as well as their creative visions for solutions and possible futures. We aim to foster resiliency in the face of the climate crisis and shift our language to highlight the positive possibilities of these futures. 

The Spring Tide Project works with young people under the age of 29, primarily uplifting and highlighting the voices of Black, Indigenous, and Youth of Colour.  The project supports young and emerging artists through a commissioning process that asks youth to articulate how climate change has impacted their lives.


Spring Tide Commission Spots

Currently, we have two streams of Spring Tide Commission spots - writing submissions, and visual art/other arts based submissions. Please review either category to see if its a good fit!

Once you submit in either category, we will review your submission and let you know if we will commission your work. If you have any questions at all, you can reach out at info@groundswellclimatecollective.com.