Spring Tide Project

Visual Art & Creative Submissions Guidelines

Spring Tide Commission Spots: Visual Art & Creative Submissions

We review submissions on an ongoing basis, at the beginning to each month. You can submit a concept for a project or a creative piece in response to any of the questions below:

  • How has the Climate Crisis impacted you, your family, or your community?

  • What do you think we need to do now to address the Climate Crisis? Feel free to share any ideas, solutions, hopes, dreams!

  • How do you see the world in 30 years if we've dealt with the Climate Crisis?

Please review the below items to get to know our process. Reach out to us at info@groundswellclimatecollective.com if you have any questions or concerns!

About our Project

The Spring Tide Project is a virtual community for youth who care about the earth and climate change.  Participants in this project can share the impacts of the climate crisis on their lives, as well as their creative visions for solutions and possible futures. We aim to foster resiliency in the face of the climate crisis and shift our language to highlight the positive possibilities of these futures. 

The Spring Tide Project works with young people under the age of 29, primarily uplifting and highlighting the voices of Black, Indigenous, and Youth of Colour.  The project supports young and emerging artists through a commissioning process that asks youth to articulate how climate change has impacted their lives.

Contributing to the Spring Tide Project is as easy as the following steps:

  • Read the Project Guidelines here.  Must be 29 years old or under.  If under 13, must have parent/guardian involved in submission process.

  • Fill out the “Expression of Interest for a Commission Spot” Google Form, here.   Any and all skill levels welcome!  Commission spots are filled on a first come first served basis.

  • Check your email. We will send a follow-up email with a commissioning agreement confirming the artwork to be created and a commission amount.

  • Sign and return commissioning agreement.  The agreement will outline how to submit completed artwork, a deadline to submit by, and how much you will be paid for your work.

  • Create Artwork for the Spring Tide Project!

  • Send us final documentation of your completed piece.  Clear documentation of your work is really important. If you need support, help, or ideas on how to best document your work, send us an email!  We’re happy to help.

  • Get paid! Once you have submitted your work, we will send you your commission payment asap!

  • We share your artwork with the world!  The work you created will be shared on our social media and website, and has the potential to be used in future Groundswell Climate Collective projects.  We will always credit you as the artist when sharing your work.

This process is quite different from other youth art competitions.  It is really important to us to flip that competitive model on its head and ensure youth are being properly compensated for the time and energy they dedicate to their work. Their ideas, dreams and artwork is incredibly valuable and should be treated as such.

We also wanted to acknowledge that youth around the world have been the ones leading the social actions, advocating for change, and taking action in fighting the issues that contribute to the Climate Crisis. Because this crisis inordinately affects Black, Indigenous and POC communities, we want to highlight just how important it is to support these voices and visions for our future.

Therefore, although we do commit to ensuring all youth who apply are given the opportunity to contribute to the Spring Tide Project, we are creating special outreach initiatives, greater compensation, and higher visibility for the voices of BIPOC youth.