Writers’ Nook

Nicole Neidhardt Nicole Neidhardt

Zero Impact by Joe Neidhardt, MD

Many realize that we need to get to Zero Emissions of Nitrous oxide, methane, and CO2 if we are going to address the Climate Crisis. In addition, there is another Zero we need to achieve, Zero Impact. Our western culture has been based on consumerism and an Extraction Economy. This has driven our industrial civilization and significantly contributed to the Climate Crisis. If our solutions rely too heavily on the industrial complex we could be setting ourselves up for a crisis of another sort and still be left with many of the problems that the Climate Crisis is thrusting upon us. Species extinction, land degradation, loss of soil, over extraction of water, declining resources, immigration pressures, and food insecurity are prevalent in much of the world and spreading rapidly.

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Nicole Neidhardt Nicole Neidhardt

Happy Earth Day!

This Earth Day, our gift to all of you is a recent piece written by Joe Neidhardt and Mary Roessel about the American Prairie Reserve and the Yellowstone to Yukon nature reserves. The piece explores their potential impact in addressing climate change and on the possible futures of our planet. 

Take a read through and let us know what you think!

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Hello! Our Writers’ Nook will include voices of youth who are involved in our projects, plus updates from our collective.