Giving Tuesday

Provide donations to Young Artists. Giving Tuesday is November 28. The Groundswell Climate Collective is a virtual space that works together on a variety of projects and initiatives for youth and young people, with a collective approach to considering our futures in light of the climate crisis and re-imagining possible futures through creativity.

We are excited to announce we are expanding our outreach to include young artists in Australia and New Zealand and will continue to support those in the US and Canada!

Our outreach is focused on Indigenous artists to share artwork that speaks to the impacts of the climate crisis on their lives. We invite all young artists to submit their art. We commission the youth to create artwork that speaks to solutions and re-imagining possible futures in dealing with the climate crisis.

Your donation will go directly to the artist with a small administrative fee. We offer the commissions to the youth to create artwork which we showcase on our websites: and Check out our website for art and climate change information.

Our fiscal agent is Emergent Diplomacy who is a 501 (c)(3) organization. This gives you the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation that will be a contribution to young artists. Make donations to Designate the funds to Envision: The Big Picture.

Thank you for your generosity. Walk in Beauty. Joe Neidhardt, MD


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