Spring Tide Project

Writing Submissions Guidelines

Call for Writers for the Spring Tide Project!

Groundswell Climate Collective is a community of Indigenous activists, creative professionals, climate change activists, artists, and educators who care deeply about the planet and state of our world. We work together on various projects and initiatives, with the committed to uplifting BIPOC voices, prioritizing the perspectives of youth, and re-imagining possible futures through creativity.

We are seeking short stories for the publication by the Groundswell Climate Collective, through the Spring Tide Project! Read more below for more details & how to submit a short story! We review & consider submissions at the beginning of each month. If you would like to contribute to our project, please submit by the final day of the current month.

Welcoming Speculative Futures Short Stories about Adaption and Mitigation!

Can you imagine that over the next 10 - 30 years we did most things right? We were in fact impacting the Climate and going in the best direction? We are looking for short stories that portray a positive future.  We want stories that tell of our success, there is too much out there about doom and gloom. We are suggesting stories that will contribute to the mitigation of the Climate Crisis.  We also know we will have to deal with the impact of The Climate Crisis and so we are inviting you to find solutions and ways to adapt.  As such we welcome stories on both Adaption and Mitigation.

We do have some guidelines.  No, we are not trying to deny the potential for catastrophic events, we are asking you to think of solutions.  And, from what we have discovered most of the changes we have to make are not only positive but have other benefits. Because of this we are suggesting some of the topics that are not only good for the climate, they are good for us, for other species, and for the world.  We welcome other innovative ideas.

Submission Guidelines and Agreement

  • Submissions need to be 2,500 words or Less.

  • Submissions can be in another language but must have an English Translation and be submitted together. You will be responsible for the accuracy of the translation

  • The Groundswell Climate Collective team will be responsible for selecting the stories and will classify them as Hard Copy Publication for a book with

  • Honorariums will be:

    • $150 if selected for publication in our publication (and in our social media and virtual gallery)

    • $50 if select your story to highlight through our social media

  • If you have published your submission elsewhere you agree to ensure that there is permission to also have it published with Groundswell Climate Collective

  • Beyond its use by Groundswell Climate Collective you retain control over your creation 

 We will have the right to use your story in our publications through social media, book, or other mediums. This may include www.groundswellclimatecollective, www.envisionthebigpicture.com, Facebook, Twitter or other publications.

 You can publish elsewhere however if you are published through Groundswell Climate Collective  we request documentation that publication was done initially through Groundswell Climate Collective 

Some Additional Details

You have up to 2500 words, our selection committee prefers shorter stories. Don’t worry about including some negative elements, but you have to solve them if you put them in. Make it personal and spice it up, include romance, competition, relationships, political conflict, religion, challenges but overall it has to include elements of success. Have fun.  Enjoy your creation. If you want to read a master of very short stories check out Eduardo Galeano. You can write in another language but you have to include the English translation. 

We will give an honorarium of $150 for each story we select for a book on Climate Change and $50 for any we put on our website. You will get credit for authorship. We do reserve the right to edit up to deleting some elements, rewriting very short sections (a sentence)  and making it grammatically correct. If we absolutely love your writing but feel it needs a major edit we will return it for your rewrite with editorial comments with no guarantee of selection. If we make editorial changes we will publish without your ability to re-edit.  Sorry but we have limited time. (This could be written better)

How to Submit & Deadlines

  • Know that a submission means you agree to the terms and conditions as stated above.

  • Submit your short story by email, and include the text of your story in either the body of the email or through a word document (whatever is most accessible for you) Please email all submissions to info@groundswellclimatecollective.com , with the title ‘Submission to the Spring Tide Project’. In your email:

    • Provide your full name (Name the check should be written to)

    • Mailing Address

    • E-mail address and phone number

    • 2 sentence description of the author

    • Title of your story (and the story itself!)

 There will be ongoing deadlines for each group of submissions. We review & consider submissions at the beginning of each month. If you would like to contribute to our project, please submit by the final day of the current month!