Topics/Ideas to Inspire You!

Here are some of many directions you can take with submissions - but we welcome any other ideas or interpretations! One brief example that one of our team members has provided is the potential for topics around Agriculture:

  • Agriculture can play a major role in mitigating the climate crisis with many secondary benefits. Planting cover crops and then using no till planting for a second  food crop adds carbon to the soil, more carbon in the soil allows the soil to retain more water, this can nurture bacteria and fungi which helps plants absorb more nutrients,  this leads to greater yields and gives all of us greater food security.  This sequesters carbon reducing atmospheric CO2.  It directly impacts the climate and helps us adapt to such adverse weather events as drought and floods. So we are asking you to create a short story about you or someone else working within agriculture. We would ask you to make it relevant by having it occur between 2030 and 2050.

There are so many other ways you could approach agriculture if this is an area of interest to you! Perhaps how communities can come together through local food economies, or a creative story around someone seeing the first growth of a crop or learning to work in tandem with the land and learn from it. The possibilities are endless! Here are some other topics below, ideated from some of our community members:

Mindset Change or Changed Perspective

  • Help people practice reciprocity through story telling as an author

  • Describe a society that incorporates some gifting economy with environmental needs

  • Develop rural autonomous communities with multi-purpose theatre and sports arenas

  • Propagate the idea that Small is Beautiful 

Environment Justice and eliminating Eco-racism

  • Create a society based on equality and equity incorporating nature into the equation

  • Describe ways of sharing the fruits of Mother Earth between Nature, Other Species, and humans

  • Fostering reciprocity with nature

Climate Mitigation

  • Build cities with green zones that cool the city and provide wildlife corridors using natures energy.

  • Build  new smaller homes with innovative ways of sharing space

  • Build solar powered trains that are covered with wildlife bridges to maintain wilding 

  • Create computerized transportation that means we no longer need private cars

  • Nurture forests that are transitioning to old growth and sequestering carbon

  • Help people immigrate to new areas capable of providing for their families

  • Develop closed loop mining systems that put back more than what is taken

  • Find new ways to sequester carbon so we can foresee a time of 350 CO2 levels

  • Expand Nature Preserves (i.e. Y2Y [Yellowstone to the Yukon], APR [American Prairie Reserve]) and create very low impact visitation

  • Develop local renewable energy systems

  • Design cities for people and nature needing less space for machines

  • Create net zero emissions with net zero impact on nature

Climate Adaptation

  • Creating new types of coral to replace the coral reefs

  • Advancing local agriculture so every populated area can grow all the food they need

  • Design living buildings that connect with nature and give back more than they take

  • Create wildlife corridors in flood plains and eliminate human housing

  • Change building codes to include better insulation and building sites removed from coastal areas  

Well you get the idea.  There are so many things that will give us a better life, more nutritious food, cleaner air and water, more compassionate living relations with each other, stop the 6th extinction, while saving our world and ourselves. As you know there is so much more we could add, so you are not restricted to this list. We look forward to your creative solutions!