Niyousha Saeidi

Better Future, Hand in Hand

Acrylic paint on canvas - 2022

About the Artist: Niyousha Saeidi is a young artist who recently - after graduating from computer science and pursuing their studies in design - decided to pursue their passion for the arts, design, and more. Through their practice and work, they aim to send different messages out to the world.

Tell us about this work.

Although climate change is becoming more and more apparent every day, if we all attempt to save our planet, hand in hand and sooner than later, we can still have a beautiful future on Earth. In this piece, a young female is holding Earth, which is represented by a globe full of blue and green shades of colour and is an abstract way of showing our planet. She is looking directly at you as she is holding Earth and she is surrounded by beautiful flowers, plants, water waves, and a mixture of lively shapes. As well, there are hands around her and two are pushing the pollution away, as shown on the two sides of the painting. The other two hands are forming the shape of a heart. The combination is supposed to convey the message of if we help, hand in hand and have a love for our Earth, the future is beautiful and lively.

To learn more about the artist and their array of work, check out the links at the top of this page!


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