Blue Jay Walker

Building Hades

Guitar, vocals & band - 2021

About the Artist: Blue Jay Walker was raised surrounded by mountains and the quick eyes of the Whiskey Jacks. Ever itching at the heel and wandering in the mind, he wishes only to express that which he sees and to bring those who may listen along with him. Blue Jay Walker, when pressed, would list his biggest inspiration as the sound bark makes when it cracks in tandem with the falling tree. Then he would laugh and say wow what on earth does that mean.

* to listen to this submission, click the orange “play” button in the top right hand corner of the image below

Tell us about this work.


The song Building Hades is inspired by the seeming downward spiral of the world we live in whose people are clanging a constant gong of alarm but are simultaneously entirely missing the reality of the situation and most importantly, their own place in it. We as a collective have been building the place in which we now reside, and though some organizations and individuals have larger roles to play, we are all a part of the world and as such it is all of our responsibility.

How has the Climate Crisis impacted you, your family, or your community?


I was living in Australia for two years just before the massive fires which were a result of climate change as well as the country forgoing controlled burns. In addition I have seen the weather change drastically in Canada and as we are affected by the fires here in BC and especially by the raging fires which only recently subsided in California. The truth is more clear than ever.

What do you think we need to do now to address the Climate Crisis? Feel free to share any ideas, solutions, hopes, dreams!


We each need to do our part in living sustainably and understanding our direct connection to nature and how we are all apart of the same eco system. On a grander scale limitations need to be brought onto corporations which are the primary offenders in pollution and excess. This needs to be done both by conscious purchasing on the part of the consumer and on a legal level.

How do you see the world in 30 years if we've dealt with the Climate Crisis?


It will be a world which is conscious of its place in a shared eco system with limited resources, seeing ourselves as a part of a chain rather than a dominating ruler.


Niyousha Saeidi


Ixc Wylde