Sky Coombs

Spring Tide

Illustration & Project Name Design - 2020

About the Artist: Sky Coombs (Age 12) is from Calgary, Alberta and was the artist who created the name ‘Spring Tide Project’ as part of our ‘Name Us!’ contest in 2020. Alongside the design of the name, Sky also contributed an original illustration to inspire this project’s complexity, values, and connection to nature. You can learn more about how our logo and name came to be in the ‘Learn More’ button below.

Original illustration by Sky Coombs.

Original illustration by Sky Coombs.


What was your inspiration for naming our project? Why ‘Spring Tide’?

Spring tide is a tide just after a new or full moon, when there is the greatest difference between high and low water. Climate change, like Spring Tide impacts the level of the ocean. We need alignment between the people on earth, just as Spring Tide occurs when there is alignment between the sun, moon and earth. The tide is rising, so should we!


Zoë-Blue Coates


Megan Feheley